• Bible Prophecy in Current Events

    The Beast System Rising

  • "What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind -- peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle and worthy of our children's future."

    former president George H.W. Bush


    "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
    James Paul Warburg, Banker, Businessman, Author and Financial Advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt


  • Strange Days

    With the recent reelection of Donald J. Trump to the U.S. presidency, many breathed a collective sigh of relief and, indeed, are excited by and grateful for the multitude of dramatic changes he has already made domestically and globally. His recent presentation to the World Economic Forum in Davos was one of defiance to their goals of global tyranny. But while even the Davos attendees acknowledged President Trump's nationalist goals as a setback, the march toward a global government - the system that will be eventually taken over by the Antichrist - has taken a substantial leap forward in 2025. God has given the U.S. a welcome reprieve but for how long? Join us as we explore the implications of recent events through the lens of prophecy,. Discover how these connections can provide clarity in uncertain times and provoke thoughtful discussions about our collective future.

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    L.A. Wildfires - Accidental or Planned?

    Most of us watched in horror as Los Angeles was recently devastated by raging wildfires. May God comfort those who lost loved ones and homes in this tragedy and help residents rebuild their lives. Causes of how the fires originated have been attributed to government incompetence, DEI hiring, "climate change" and arson, as well as more conspiratorial theories. While questionable decisions by California's leadership is nothing new and there's likely plenty of blame to go around, it strains credulity to suggest that anyone could be that negligent or incompetent, making conspiratorial theories hard to dismiss. Numerous insurers, seeing an accident waiting to happen, either raised their premiums to unaffordable amounts or discontinued homeowner policies as early as a year before the wildfires. State Farm, one of the largest insurers in California, decided not to renew 30,000 homeowner and condomimium policies, including over 1,600 in the Pacific Palisades. The situation becomes even more suspicious in light of the massive and tragic Lahaina wildfire in 2023 that, like LA, was also targeted to become a Smart City and was facing resistance from residents. And were the numerous mini fires set by homeless people, including one individual wielding a blowtorch, merely random acts? Was this a plan to remove resistance homeowners? An example of governmental neglect? An act of domestic terrorism? Or all of the above? The blueprint for turning Los Angeles into a smart city in 2028 offers a glimpse of what a reimagined Los Angeles might look like, and how it could play into the New World Order.


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    15-Minute Cities: Coming to a City Near You

    A close cousin of the smart city is the 15-minute city. While the Smart City uses AI-driven technology to power that city, the 15-minute city deals with the layout.

    Based on an idea of designing a city of neighborhoods around the needs of people, not cars (and to also eliminate traffic congestion and cut down on carbon emissions), the 15-minute city concept was developed by Carlos Moreno, a researcher, scientist and professor at IAE - Paris Sorbonne University, and has been implemented in that city and elsewhere.

    At first glance, it sounds like a great idea. Who wouldn't want to catch a few more minutes of sleep on workday mornings, not having to contend with rush hour traffic? Who wouldn't want to save money on gas?

    It's worth noting that Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, seems to really like the idea. Inspired by the lockdowns during the COVID pandemic, he began to heavility promote the 15-minute city as a future necessity. And it's not just Klaus Schwab; the concept seems to be catching on in cities all over the world.

    In Paris, Carlos Moreno's home city, there are already 50 fifteen-minute cities in operation. Other cities include Melbourne, Australia., Ottawa, Canada., Barcelona, Spain, Shanghai, China., Bogotá, Colombia., Portland, Oregon, Milan, Italy, Manhattan, New York City, Shaker Heights, Ohio, Inman Park, Atlanta, Main Line, Philadelphia, Miami, Florida Portland, Oregon, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Auburn, New York. The city of Cleveland, Ohio is also being considered for redevelopment as a 15-minute city.

    Great Concept or Global Ghettos?

    Residents of the city of Oxford in the UK were less than enamored of the concept. In the UK, the term "15-minute city" was deemed too "toxic and incendiary" by city officials and eventually abandoned after protesters marched against the plans. British MP Nick Fletcher accused the plan of being a "socialist concept". Even creator Carlos Moreno received death threats.

    The controversy started when a local media personality reported that plans were being discussed and that travel outside of residents' appointed 15-minute zone would be restricted to 100 times per year before a fine would be imposed. The article from the Oxford Student publication on the following page was quick to debunk such a claim as a conspiracy theory, but the following quote from that article does raise some eyebrows:

    "However, it is important to note that travel to other areas of Oxford will be permitted by alternative routes, such as the ring road surrounding the city, at any time. Residents will also be able to apply for permits to drive through filters and into other neighbourhoods for up to 100 days a year, while Oxfordshire residents will be able to secure permits for up to 25 days a year."


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    Project Stargate and the AI Revolution: Rise of the Surveillance State

    While the U.S., and many other countries, celebrated the recent election of Donald Trump to the presidency, many were concerned with the rush of tech giants to cozy up to him after opposing him and censoring his supporters for the last four years. First Mark Zuckerberg made the trip to Mar-a-Lago, then Bill Gates.

    Of greater concern was the recent press conference on January 21, 2025 where President Trump, flanked by investors Sam Altman of OpenAi, Larry Ellison, Chairman of Oracle and SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son announced the creation of the Stargate Project.

    The Stargate Project is a new company which intends to invest $500 billion over the next four years into building new AI infrastructure (a mulitude of massive data center campuses) for OpenAI in the United States. The initial equity funders in Stargate are SoftBank, OpenAI, Oracle, and MGX. SoftBank and OpenAI are the lead partners for Stargate, with SoftBank assuming financial responsibility and OpenAI assuming operational responsibility. Masayoshi Son will act as chairman. Arm, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Oracle, and OpenAI are the key initial technology partners.

    These founders boast that the infastructure will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, provide a tremendous boost to the U.S. economy, advance disease research and treatment development, with a particular focus on a cancer cure, enhance national security and make the U.S. competitive in the race for AI supremacy on the world stage.

    The first Stargate site is being constructed in Abilene, Texas. Approximately 875 acres have been set aside for the site. According to Ellison, the project partners hope to build 10 data centers to start with plans to expand to 20 locations around the country of about half a million square feet each.

    While the project has the potential for great good if used responsibly and ethically, skeptics are concerned about the risk of personal information, especially electronic medical records, falling into wrong hands through hacking and being exploited through unauthorized surveillance. Another concern of some critics is that the lack of stringent safeguards could result in AI becoming self-sustaining and going rogue.

    Of greater concern is the potential for the development of a surveillance state. Ellsion boasted about how police offcers will be constantly monitored by AI. He additionally added that “Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything.”


  • The Case of the Mysterious Drone Swarms

    In December 2024, NJ and many other cities were mystified and alarmed by swarms of drones and other UAPs. The mysterious drones were sighted in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Ohio near military installations, residential neighborhoods, and critical infrastructure. While the official explanation has been vague, it seems to suggest there's no need for concern.

    WEF Founder Klaus Schwab has proposed that drones will deliver all of our basic needs in his utopian (or dystopian?) vision of the Great Reset. READ MORE

    Pastor Billy Crone elaborates on this in his book, "AI and the Rise of the Machines" and predicts that drones will play a major role in our future, not only in delivery of goods, but in surveillance, law enforcement and weaponization. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has proposed drone technology as a useful surveillance tool. According to Ellison, "We're going to have supervision. Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."

    And AI drones replacing police cars in chases soon will no longer be the stuff of science fiction. Ellison envisioned just that during a recent press conference with President Trump and other tech leaders to announce the launch of Project Stargate. "You just have a drone follow the car," Ellison said. "It's very simple in the age of autonomous drones." READ MORE

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    Photo courtesy of ID 312340679 © Cherezoff | Dreamst
  • But not to worry about property or privacy because in the Great Reset...

    You'll Own Nothing and You'll Be Happy

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    The Great Reset is an economic recovery plan that was launched in June 2020 by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Claiming that the pandemic exacerbated the problems of poverty, inequality and climate change, he saw it as an opportunity to "reset and reshape" the world to bring it in compliance with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. While the plan is touted as an economic recovery plan, its goals are exponentially more ambitious than that, using smart and 15-minute cities and AI and drone technology to assert total control over virtually all facets of daily life. An informational video published by the WEF created a stir with the title, "You'll Own Nothing and You'll Be Happy." And before you think this couldn't possibly be that draconian, please read the article below the video for their plans for 2030. If realized, you will own virtually nothing, not even the utensils you eat from.


    What Can You Do?

  • Recognize that we all have sinned and are in danger of God’s eternal judgment

    Recognize and acknowledge that we don’t have the power to live up to God’s perfect standard of righteousness Recognize that Jesus DID live a perfectly sinless life, making Him alone qualified to atone for our sin on the cross

    Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

    John 3:16

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